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Making History 2: The War of the World 2011

Making History 2: The War of the World (2011)
Release: September 9, 2011 | PC | Multi6 | Developer: Muzzy Lane Software | Publishers: Lace Mamba Global | 464 Mb

Humanityis facing the most dramatic period in its history - World War II.Germany army mans the latest tanks, the U.S. has invested millions todevelop nuclear weapons, the Soviet Union adopts a new offensivedoctrine, and Japan is preparing for the invasion of the Far East.

Thegame allows you to lead any country in the world and bring it to aneconomic and military might. The head of state is free to put all theeconomic development and diplomacy, to build trade, to carry outpolitical reforms and the annexation of foreign territory. Each playergets a chance to learn how would the world be like if all decisions aretaken only it!


More than 200 nations that are available for the game, about 2,200 provinces and 500 cities
Over 60 buildings and 150 types of research that affect the economic and military power of the country
Hundreds of types of forces that are unique to each state, including rare examples of art as tanks T- 100, Maus and OI
Multiplayer mode for up to 32 players

v Operating system: Windows 7 / Vista / XP
v Processor: Pentium 4 2 GHz or Core2Duo
v RAM: 2 GB
v Video: video card with 256 MB memory, compatible with DirectX 9.0, which supports pixel shader 2.0
v Sound Card: Sound device 16-bit compatible with DirectX
v free hard drive space: 1 GB

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