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Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Enemy Territory Quake Wars-SKIDROW English l PC Game l FULL ISO ~ | Publisher: Activision | Developer: Splash | Damage | ESRB: TEEN Genre: Sci-Fi First-Person Shooter Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Review If you took 2003's freely downloadable Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and mashed it together with the Battlefield games, you might come up with something like Quake Wars. Of course, the whole business of the original Enemy Territory's Allies and Axis have been replaced by the humans and Strogg from the Quake universe, but the basic nature of the gameplay is unchanged. Two oppo

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Hard Evidence

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Hard Evidence Review Playing Ubisoft's CSI games has always felt more like taking part in a truncated version of one of those cheesy murder mystery getaway weekends than actually solving a realistic crime. At every turn, these games find ways to clue you in on and push you toward exactly what you need to do next to proceed. You don't so much investigate as you go through a number of mundane motions to get to the predetermined conclusion. There's no threat of failure, nothing even remotely resembling a challenge to be found. They are less games and more mediocre

Undercover: Operation Wintersun

Undercover: Operation Wintersun Review As with far too many adventures, your enjoyment of Undercover: Operation Wintersun depends almost entirely on your tolerance for nonsensical puzzles. This Sproing Interactive game really knocks it out of the park when it comes to that sort of thing. It boasts a greatest-hits collection of maddening adventure-game absurdities, such as digging a potato out of the garbage to distract a crow in order to listen in on a conversation (in the very first scene, no less), as well as outlandish chem-lab solutions to mundane problems such as getting through locked d

Death to Spies

Death to Spies Review Although the name SMERSH sounds like something out of an old Get Smart! episode, nobody laughed at this counterespionage organization during the Second World War. Translated into English, this acronym means "Death to spies," which pretty much sums up the no-nonsense nature of this precursor to the Soviet Union's dreaded KGB. The game of the same name from Russian developer Haggard Games doesn't mess around either, presenting some of the grittiest stealth action to hit the sneaker genre since Agent 47 first shaved his head. Open-ended mission objectives, smart level desig

RACE 07 - The WTCC Game

RACE 07: The WTCC Game Review Swedish development studio SimBin may be a small independent developer, but it has enjoyed a prolific rise to the top of the PC racing simulation market. To build on the success of its first outing, GTR, the studio enlisted the support of the World Touring Car Championship and created RACE: The WTCC Game, winning over critics and customers in the process. The sequel, RACE 07, expands the game even further, with new racing classes, such as Formula 3000, Radical sports cars, and even Minis. While the game is fundamentally similar to the previous game, particularly

Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East

Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East Review Orcs top the marquee in Tribes of the East, a stand-alone expansion pack that is expected to put the finishing touches on the Heroes of Might & Magic V franchise. If not, it probably should, because even though this add-on is loaded with new content, none of it is particularly interesting. Serious fans of the series will likely enjoy getting a look at the new Stronghold faction as well as taking on the tough missions in the three new solo campaigns, but everyone else will shrug and go back to waiting for Nival Interactive and Ubisoft

Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties

Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties + Update 1.02 - Expansion Pack PC Game | Expansion Pack Realtime Strategy | Size: 595 MB Since Age of Empires debuted in 1997, the series has grown to become one of the pillars of real-time strategy gaming. Its success is in part due to the way the series has shifted historical periods. The first game covers antiquity, from the Stone Age to the Roman Empire. Meanwhile, Age of Empires II focuses on the medieval era. And 2005's Age of Empires III is about the era of European exploration and colonization. This brings us to Age of Empires III: The Asian D

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor

                                               Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Here’s World War II real-time strategy that’ll have you rubbing your eyes while scratching your head with stupendous visuals and taxing scenarios. Whereas most first-person action games are geared to offer a harrowing immersive experience, this same level of atmosphere isn’t associa
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